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Does a person’s mood depend on music?

The sounds of nature always accompany us: the sound of rain and wind, the rustle of leaves, the murmuring of water, the singing of birds. These sounds can hardly be irritating, which cannot be said about squealing brakes or loud conversations. The effect of music can be different, but you can always choose the right melodies.

All life is accompanied by the sounds of natural phenomena: the sound of rain, wind gusts, rustling leaves, murmuring water, etc. These sounds may irritate, they may, on the contrary, soothe or inspire.

Sounds of music have the same effect, evoking certain associations and images in the soul. Some music can put us in a lyrical mood, some excite us or make us want to change our lives for the better, some make us sad and depressed, and some help us concentrate on our work or study.

The responses that music elicits do not depend on the musical genre: for some, symphonic music evokes a storm of emotions, for others, a simple pop song. Music preferences are primarily influenced by a person’s horizons, education and personal experience.

How does music affect the human body?

Human emotions are “in charge” of the central parts of the brain. In particular, the hypothalamus, which is a small area in the midbrain.

Auricles take a sound signal and convert it into a nerve impulse, which by nerve endings goes to the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus, in turn, converts the nerve impulse into an emotional experience and informs the cerebral cortex about their occurrence.

The occipital lobes also notify the cerebral cortex about the received sound signal, and then it combines all the received information into certain associations.

Hypothalamus plays a significant role in the synchronization of biorhythms of the human body: when the rhythmic and balanced work of the organs is disturbed, it receives signals and synchronizes their work, bringing them into a state of balance and harmony.

The wave oscillations caused by music, which the hypothalamus receives from the hearing organs, are similar to biorhythmic oscillations. And the hypothalamus processes them in the same way, but it cannot synchronize musical rhythms. Therefore, for example, polytonal or polyrhythmic music causes unpleasant feelings in many people.

The hypothalamus also houses the pleasure center. Listening to pleasant music brings more blood to the nerve endings, which stimulates the production of dopamine, a substance that induces feelings of pleasure and satisfaction.

How does music set the mood?

Music makes you feel good if it:

  • consists of many sound elements that are periodically repeated;
  • These sound periods are synchronized with each other;
  • In addition to these, the music should have sound elements that are constantly changing and dependent on the main periods.

If the purpose of the music is to create anxiety and fear, to create tension, as, for example, in the soundtracks of horror films, the periodicity of the sound elements and their synchronization are out of sync. Horror films owe their terrifying effect to the music, not to the images. You can see this if you turn off the sound: the image will affect emotions to a much lesser extent than the music.

Monotonous music tends to “stupefy” consciousness. This music irritates many people because their brain resists monotony. There is an opinion that long listening to monotonous music can lead to mental degradation, while the use of certain elements of such music relaxes you and makes you feel good.

Thus, music can do many things: it can both improve and degrade health, and it can both improve and degrade intelligence. Some researchers who study the effects of music on people believe that through the music can influence morality, waking people up lofty or low feelings, and even change the temperament or character, making a timid and shy person determined and initiative.

Music and its healing properties

Therapeutic properties of music noticed in ancient times. Ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras with its help cured not only mental but also physical ailments. He began and ended his day with certain music, tuning in to work in the morning and rest and relaxation in the evening. David, the second king of Israel, in his youth, played the lyre to ward off the “evil spirit” that was tormenting his soul.

Today, the treatment of music is called music therapy, and even trained physicians who are engaged in it professionally.

Music, particularly classical music, can lower the threshold of pain, muffle pain sensations and reduce anxiety, so during surgery that does not require general anesthesia, it is used as background music. Doctors claim that this music also shortens the rehabilitation period after surgery. Quiet music is also practiced in modern maternity wards and dental clinics.

Music and its healing properties

The therapeutic properties of music were noticed in ancient times. The ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras used it to heal not only mental but also physical ailments. He began and ended his day with certain music, tuning in to work in the morning and rest and relaxation in the evening. David, the second king of Israel, in his youth, played the lyre to ward off the “evil spirit” that was tormenting his soul.

Today, the treatment of music is called music therapy, and even trained physicians who are engaged in it professionally.

Music, particularly classical music, can lower the threshold of pain, muffle pain sensations and reduce anxiety, so during surgery that does not require general anesthesia, it is used as background music. Doctors claim that this music also shortens the rehabilitation period after surgery. Quiet music is also played in modern maternity wards and dental clinics.

To prevent cardiovascular diseases it is recommended to listen to joyful and cheerful music, which creates a good mood and evokes positive emotions. According to studies, this music improves blood circulation, dilates blood vessels, and lowers blood pressure. Listening to melodies that set a positive mood is also recommended for speedy recovery after heart surgery.

Making music develops mental abilities and memory – people who make music have fewer memory problems and suffer from forgetfulness less frequently. In addition, professional musicians are much less likely to suffer from age-related hearing loss, retaining it to a ripe old age. Listening to music, particularly Mozart, is also recommended for disorders of cerebral circulation, for recovery after a stroke.

There is a curious belief that music of a certain frequency can have a devastating effect on pathogenic microbes. Proof of this – the legends about the bell ringing, thanks to the continuous sound of which in some medieval cities was able to stop the plague epidemic. True, and modern research confirms that the activity of pathogenic microbes is somewhat reduced under the influence of bell ringing or church music.

What kind of music helps?

Experts have classified classical music according to the effect it has on a person’s physical and mental state.

For example, Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata” helps treat neurosis and depression.

Tchaikovsky’s pieces are suggested for insomnia, and Oginsky’s Polonaise for headaches.

Music by Bach, Vivaldi, and Handel normalizes the heart rhythm and relaxes the body.

The dance tunes of Kalman, Strauss and Lehar put you in an optimistic mood.

Liszt’s preludes and Brahms’ works help overcome timidity and shyness, and Shostakovich’s helps overcome irritability and anger.

Tchaikovsky’s symphonies take away unpleasant memories, while spiritual music by M. Bortniansky and liturgies by S. Rachmaninov fill with energy and inner harmony.

Vivaldi’s Suite “The Seasons” improves memory, instills confidence, and relieves feelings of anxiety and fear. So if you pick the right music can program yourself, for example, to success in the games for money in online casinos.

Property of music to affect the psyche and mood and actively use the managers of shopping facilities: with the help of calm music they create a relaxed unhurried atmosphere in the salesroom, disposed to purchase. Or, on the contrary, when there is a large influx of customers, they use loud, energetic music to encourage them to make “quick” purchases.

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